We are proud to be part of the slow fashion movement
When buying Dharma Bums you can be confident that everyone involved in the creation of your garment is treated with respect and given a fair wage that provides for a comfortable life.
We know we are lucky in Australia, however we understand that we should never take our privilege for granted. From day one, we built a business that ensures every employee that works directly for us or one of our partners, has a living wage and a safe environment to work in. We ensure this happens by partnering with like-minded partners across our manufacturing process, that we personally audit before we engage.

Slow motion
Both Dharma Bums and our partner factories share a dedication to ethical practices and align with the social auditing and reporting framework of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).
We share in the values of AMFORI, striving towards the enhancement of human prosperity, using natural resources responsibly and driving open trade globally.
All our factories pay a 'living wage' a methodology, known as the Anker methodology, used for measuring credible living wages/decent wages, especially for locations in developing countries.
We are proud to be part of the slow fashion movement, making timeless and long-lasting garments.We are dedicated to taking full control of the supply chain process to ensure better working conditions, fair wages, and an overall lower carbon footprint.

The Fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world – one third of all new clothes go from factory to landfill. Thread Together aim to combat this trend by diverting tonnes of brand-new clothes from landfill each year. Thread Together are a non-for-profit organisation that provide brand-new clothes, donated by ethically responsible brands to Australians in need, including those homeless, living in poverty, those impacted by disasters likebush fires, drought, and pandemics and those looking to enter the job market after long-term periods of unemployment, mental health care and more.
Access to essential clothing, is a basic human right - 1 in8 adults and 1 in 6 children2 (or 3.4 million Australians) are living below the poverty line without access. To date Thread together has helped more than500,000 people. Their mission to reach 1 million by the end of 2022!! What aneffort!
Widely recognised as Australia’s highest ethical response to fashion excess, Tread Together is a community-based organisation we are proud to support and nurture. We regularly donate samples, end of line stock and surplus items to the cause and plan to extend our support and involvement into 2021 and beyond.
The Rights of Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
No Discrimination
Occupational Health and Safety
Decent Working Hours
Special Protection for Young Workers
Fair Remuneration
No Child Labour
No Bonded Labour
Ethical Business Behaviour
Protection of the Environment
No Precarious Employment