What could be better than a whole day for the whole world to celebrate Yoga and everything it brings to our collective betterment? Well, International Day of Yoga (IDY) is coming up on June 21, 2019, so let’s give an omnipotent ‘Om’ for this incredible practice.

The premise for this day was proposed in 2014 by India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, he floated the idea, which was supported by an extraordinary 175 countries. As a central part of India’s identity, the practice of Yoga is pervasive and meaningful; it continues to grow in its various forms, all over the world. IDY lives and breathes so Yoga can find its way to the next generation; increase insight into the abundant benefits of embracing the practice. It’s a day to set aside some time to hang out with family, friends and your tribe, as well as open yourself up to new connections. Use Yoga as a pathway to crucial, honest connections; bonds that build the blueprint to a healthy, happy life.

2019 marks the fifth IDY, and this year’s theme is ‘Climate Action.’ This thread asks you to focus your intention on caring for the environment; be aware of your big and little actions, and ask yourself – am I helpful or harmful? Send love to the earth through your practice; prioritising the air, the seas, the trees and the dirt beneath your feet. Because every single one of us drives climate change, this is an excellent opportunity to take stock, be grateful for the planet and put your actions where your thoughts are. Hold the health of our earth on this day, and every day after. Modi himself said ‘Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.

To mark the occasion, champion your local studio by taking a class on June 21. If you mark the day on your mat, put on your climate change cape instead Leave the car at home and leg-it to work; ditch the clothes dryer and put your garments on the line instead. When it comes to getting groceries – buy local, seasonal produce to lessen the energy used to transport and store, and lastly: recycle, reuse and repair. Writing is cathartic. Share your thoughts about Yoga, meditation and spirituality; speak authentically and directly about what’s important to you. Try publishing your penmanship on Yoganonymous.com or post your comments on doyouYoga.com. If you want to find your Yoga tribe in real life, hashtags can help you hunt down happenings in your community. Meet kindred Yoga spirits by searching word combinations that mirror your passions. Try #Yogamusic, #hotYoga, #Yogachallenge; the list is endless, and it’s a great way to tap into the accounts that connect you with your people. Put International Yoga Day in your diary and use it to do good for your community, the environment and you.

On Friday, June 21, 2019, Dharma Bums is hosting an exclusive invite-only event at The Divine Flow Studio, Brookvale. To celebrate IDY, our Yoga community and the essence of Dharma, a group of Yoga community leaders, teachers and influencers are coming together for a ‘Slow Flow’ Yoga class with senior instructor, Rose Moore. We’re gathering empowering and influential women to help us recognise the day.



Candice Mattiske