Working remotely is a reality, and every day more companies take this important and responsible measure to help to flatten the curve of the virus. Working from home, we end up sitting all day and for that reason, it's important to remember to stretch our muscles and joints. Try this simple sequence of spinal movements to move your spine in all directions. This can be done in as little as 3 minutes each day and if done every few hours, will help keep your spine supple and healthy.

Keep the lower abdominal muscles gently tensed throughout these exercises. For each exercise, take one gentle breath in, then exhale fully and tighten the perineum, lower abdomen and the ‘underarm muscles’.

Interlock fingers in front of body and push hands away. Take arms and shoulders forward and up to lengthen spine and trunk. Keep lower ribs moving inwards towards the spine and move tail bone slightly down and forward to prevent back arching.

Bend knees 20-90˚. Lean slightly forwards to activate back muscles, interlock fingers behind back and push hands away. Take arms and shoulders back and down to bend spine and trunk back. Move tail bone slightly down so lower back is not over-extended.

Bend knees 20-90˚. Lean slightly forwards to activate back muscles, interlock fingers behind back and push hands away. Take arms and shoulders back and down to bend spine and trunk back. Move tail bone slightly down so lower back is not over-extended.

From spinal stretch, move left ribs upwards and move hips carefully left to stretch the left side of body. Exhale fully, then push hips to the right to return to spinal stretch. Repeat on right side.

From spinal stretch, move left ribs upwards and move hips carefully left to stretch the left side of body. Exhale fully, then push hips to the right to return to spinal stretch. Repeat on right side.